Traduttore, Tradittore: Translation Ethics and Mistranslations

The Italian saying “traduttore, tradittore”, which in English means “translator, traitor” was my first encounter with translation issues. During my freshmen year in the English- Spanish Translation Program, one of my teachers introduced us to this saying, which made me think about translation, but I still didn’t fully grasp its meaning. Why would translators purposefully betray people if their purpose is to bridge cultural gaps and facilitate communication? Can mistranslations have a profound impact on the client`s business and image?

Before delving into mistranslations and some of their potentially damaging effects, it is crucial to define ethics.

What is ethics?

I believe ethics is about putting ourselves in another person`s shoes and thus, thinking about the implications of our actions on society. In the conference of Ethics and Interpreter Training, Mona Baker,an Egyptian professor of translation studies, expresses that “ethics is about the implications of everybody in any kind of encounter”. If we want to be professionals, we have to behave as such. If you schedule an appointment with a doctor, you instill your trust in them and you assume they will take care of you. You implicitly know if any health problem arises, they will do their best to diagnose and treat it. The same situation occurs with translators. The client trusts the translator, who, of course, will work to the best of their knowledge to aid in communication. However, what happens when you accept a job for which you are not prepared?

The following video is a dramatization that portrays an ironic situation of an interpreter who, instead of helping the client, causes him to experience an uncomfortable moment in front of his company`s CEOs.

Funny video, but not so amusing when you are the client. Although these situations extreme and rarely happen, it would now be important to clarify what is mistranslation.


Mistranslation implies something deeper than a bad translation; it implies the partial or total loss of the intended meaning of a message. While there could be some minor deviations in meaning like omissions, additions, bad choice of words, unclear ideas and ungrammatical sentences, some major mistakes may have financial and legal or political implications.

Faulty translations may deeply affect the clients. It is not wrong to say no if we are not qualified for or if we think we are not going to meet the tight deadline. In order to avoid mistranslations, we have to make sure we proof read and edit the text effectively, showing our professionalism and expertise.

If you liked this post, you cannot miss next week`s post on cultural differences, neologisms and when to borrow terms. Please feel free to comment. I am looking forward to reading your opinion about this topic.

3 thoughts on “Traduttore, Tradittore: Translation Ethics and Mistranslations”

  1. I really enjoyed reading your post concerning how mistranslations can negatively impact many people. This concept reminded me of what my cross-cultural psychology class has been discussing. Recently we had a conversation on how certain words cannot be translated accurately across cultures. For example, the Danish word “hygee” cannot be translated to a single word in the English language. The closest resemblance to “hygee” can be described in a phrase- it is the act of warming someone’s heart. In the U.S. it is similar to a girl’s “wine night” however, it is more intimate than just “hanging out”. Your post made me realize how much people need to trust translators. Unfortunately, this is difficult for many of us because we lose control of the situation and have to hope for the best.
    I thought the video you included complimented your writing well. The high level of exaggeration through the translator’s gibberish underscored the message on how mistranslations can be detrimental. I decided to search examples of mistranslations and found one that was quite humorous. American Airlines wanted to advertise its new leather seats to the Mexican market however, instead of saying, “Fly in leather”, the translated version meant, “Fly naked” in Spanish (aboutmoney).

    Works Cited
    Delaney, L. “Funny Mistranslations”. aboutmoney. .


  2. This was a very interesting post about translation. As a future translator myself, I know that great responsibility comes with this profession. You are the bridge between two people and what you say (or do not say) may have huge consequences for the parties. I like how you connected the work of the translator with ethics. I think ethics they are present in all professions. Consequently, schools should deal more with this topic when instructing students and preparing them for their future professional lives.


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